Nasal Cautery / managing nose bleeds
Operation time: 10 - 60 Mins
Anaesthesia: Local or General
Admission: Day case
Recurrent nose bleeds are common in both children and adults. The nasal cavity has a rich blood supply with many blood vessels lying just under the surface lining. Underlying causes for recurrent nosebleeds such as clotting abnormalities should always be investigated and addressed, however the offending vessels may also require treatment with cauterisation. In many cases this procedure can be reliably addressed in an outpatient clinic under local anaesthesia, however if persistent may require treatment under general anaesthesia. Treatment options include:
Silver nitrate cautery - chemical applied to the bleeding vessel (can often be performed in clinic)
Electrocautery - controlled closure of the vessel using a localised current
Artery ligation - clipping of larger blood vessels supplying the nasal cavity
Post-operative instructions
Avoid hot environments e.g. warm showers or baths, 1-2 weeks
Allow warm food and drinks to cool to room temperature before consumption, 1-2 weeks
Avoid strenuous physical activity, 1-2 weeks
You may be prescribed cream to apply to the nasal cavity twice per day for 1 week following treatment